Web Standards Project: LEARN

The WaSP LEARN section exists to provide you with resources to get you up to par with web standards. This expanding area of tutorials, articles, reference charts, templates, and a directory of website resources can help you make sense of the standards and prepare you for things that could be especially challenging or confusing.


Learn to design Accessible Forms. [Published May 2004 | Author: Ian Lloyd]

Check out our WaSP Asks the W3C project, in which WaSP members ask compelling questions of the Consortium.

See also our WaSP interviews, where we chat with the designers responsible for some of today's big name standards-based redesigns.

New to standards?

Check out our FAQ, What are web standards and why should I use them?

Want some helpful resources?

Our Learn the Standards section links to many resources around the Web to help lead you on your way. Our Reference section currently includes conforming HTML and XHTML templates and reference charts, with more on the way.