Some links to W3C Recommendations and resources:
- The W3C’s main XHTML 1.0 page, XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language, addresses many questions about XHTML with detailed explanations such as: 1. What is XHTML?, 2. Definitions, 3. Differences with HTML 4, 4. Compatibility Issues, 5. Future Directions, and several Appendices.
- XHTML 1.0 - Element Prohibitions is W3C’s section on HTML elements that won’t work in XHTML. This one is especially handy to bookmark!
- XHTML 1.0 HTML - Compatibility Guidelines is the W3C’s section on handling empty elements, paragraph tags, embedded style sheets, line breaks, ampersands, more. This is another handy one to bookmark.
- How to Achieve Web standards and quality on your site – published by the W3C QA Interest Group, this contains several rebuttals to the concerns of change-resistant managers and clients, and also displays properly written
declarations for the versions of HTML and XHTML in common use. A more complete list of valid DOCTYPE
declarations is also available from the same source.
To learn how to use XHTML or convert existing HTML pages:
- Molly Holzschlag’s XHTML 1.0: Marking up a new dawn, Getting familiar -- and getting started -- with the new standard is a detailed and thorough tutorial to guide you through learning to implement XHTML, at IBM’s developer Works Web Architecture Library. (Also available for PDF download.)
- For a quick tutorial to learn XHTML basics, including the differences between HTML and XHTML, check out Fast and Easy XHTML by Shirley Kaiser for WebsiteTips.com.
- Better Living Through XHTML by Jeffrey Zeldman packs in plenty of helpful tips and information all about converting your HTML to XHTML, why, what to watch out for, workarounds, terrific links to other quality resources, and more, all in his witty, upbeat, and engaging style.